Roman Empire: The Fall of Rome

Tuesday, Nov 30

Judaism: The Religion of the JewsTorah Scroll

Main Idea: Judaism was the first great western monotheistic religion, and both Christianity and Islam come from it.


Monotheism--the belief in one god
Judaism--the religion of the Jewish people
Jew or Hebrew--a follower of Judaism. Hebrew is also the language of the Jews.
Abraham--the father of the Jewish people. Took the tribe of nomads from Iraq to Palestine
Isaac--Abraham's son, from whom the Jews are descended.
Ishmael--Abraham's son, from whom Muslims believe they are descended
Moses--led Jews out of Egypt. Got Ten Commandments and Torah from God.
Ten Commandments--the ten main laws given to Moses
Torah--the first five books of the Law: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
Palestine--the land Jews believe was promised them by God. Now called Israel.
Synagogue--a Jewish house of worship
Rabbi --a Jewish religious leader or teacher

Videos to watch if gone:
Moses Trailer for new movie
Moses gets the Ten Commandments
Torah Reading at Western Wall
A London Synagogue

Wednesday, December 2

The Jews vs. Rome
Main Idea: The Jews lived in Palestine, except for several eras of exile, from 1,000 BC until they were exiled by the Romans in the First Century. They went to Europe and Russia, where they were treated badly.

Palestine--name of Jewish lands at time of Roman control.  Returned to Jews (Israel) after WWII)
Jewish Rebellion--66-70 AD
Masada--mountain fortress where Jews made their last stand against Romans.
Romans Destroy Temple--70 AD
Diaspora--the scattering of the Jews out of Israel by Rome. Began in 70 AD and continued for hundreds of years. Most went to Europe and Russia.

Video Links: Exodus Movie Trailer
Moses Gets Ten Commandments
Jews Reading Torah at Western Wall in Jerusalem
Inside a British conservative Synagogue
Virtual Reconstruction of the Roman Temple
1:50 Scale Model of Jerusalem at the time of Christ

Thursday, Dec. 3

I.  Finish up Judaism
II.                                    The Birth of Christianity

Main Idea: A Jew named Jesus claimed to bring a New Covenant to the people from God and claimed to be the Messiah. Some believed, but he was crucified for treason in 30 BC.

  • Messiah-promised by Torah, the person who would come and save the Jews.
  • Jesus--Jew who claimed to be the Messiah and son of God. Crucified by Rome.
  • Old Covenant--The laws of the Torah, all 613 of them, that the Jews had to follow, including making a blood sacrifice for forgiveness of sins so that God would protect them.
  • New Covenant--Jesus claimed to be the Messiah, and brought a New Covenant. Instead of following all the laws, one had to believe in Jesus and he would be the blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins.
  • Apostles--close followers of Jesus
  • Crucifixion--the Roman form of execution for non-citizens. Jesus was crucified for treason, claiming to be a king.
  • Resurrection-- the belief among Christians that after Jesus was killed, he rose from the dead after three days, appeared to his followers, and then rose up into heaven.
Watch the MME HERE

December 7, 1941

Who: Japanese planes from six aircraft carriers attack U.S. Navy fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
When: December 7, 1941, Sunday morning
Where: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in Honolulu
Why: To destroy the U.S. Pacific fleet so Japan would have time to capture territory in the Pacific for resources

Japan sneaked halfway across the Pacific to within 250 miles of Pearl Harbor
Launched 350 planes
The attack sank or damaged ships and planes
The attack failed to sink aircraft carriers, and also failed to destroy fuel storage tanks and dry-docks.
It killed nearly 2,500 Navy and Marine personnel, and also Army and 57 civilians
Biggest loss was on the U.S.S. Arizona, which lost 1,177 men, many of whom are still entombed on the ship.
U.S. declared war on Japan on December 8, 1941
President was Franklin D. Roosevelt
War lasted from December 8 until the summer of 1945

Tuesday, December 8

The Rise of Christianity

Main Idea: Christianity was at first illegal in the Roman Empire, but later because the official religion of the Empire, thanks to its message, good leaders, and supportive emperors.

  • Paul--Jew and Roman citizen who converted to Christianity spread the message 
  • Gentile--a non-Jew, allowed to join after Peter's vision
  • Peter--first leader of church.  
  • New Testament--The Christian part of the Bible, with Gospels, Paul's letters, etc.
  • Fish--secret Christian symbol early Christians used to identify each other
  • Catacombs--underground tombs where the Christians would go and worship in secret
  • Constantine--General who won battle after seeing flaming cross, converts
  • Reasons People Were attracted to Christianity-- 
            1. all people are equal
            2. gave hope to the powerless
           3.  morals in an immoral society
           4. offered a loving personal relationship with God
           5. eternal life/heaven

Watch the MME HERE              

Wednesday,. December 9

The Fall of Rome and Rome's Legacy

Main Idea:  The fall of Rome had many causes.  The West fell in 476 AD while the Eastern Roman Empire lasted another 1,000 years. Our culture was greatly influenced by Greece and Rome.

I. Vocab:
*Inflation--a period of rapidly-rising prices
*Huns--an Asian tribe who invaded Europe
*Germanic Tribes--European tribes pushed into Rome by  Huns

II. Causes of Fall of Rome

1. Drain of gold and silver out of Empire
2. Inflation
3. Higher taxes
4. Used-up soil
5. Disease
6. Barbarian Attack/Huns/Germanic Tribes
7. Christianity
8. Mercenaries/Lack of Patriotism
9. Moral Decline/Corruption

III. Greco-Roman Legacy (Classical Civilization)
1.       Things Rome got from Greece
2.       The Latin Language--basis for Romance languages and many English words as well.  The language of science, medicine and law.
3.       Architecture, Engineering and Technology--arch, dome, concrete, aqueducts, road system, buildings, monuments
4.       Roman Law—equal treatment, innocent till proven guilty, burden of proof on accuser
5.       Histories, epics like The Aeneid

6.       Christianity

View MME Here

Thursday, Dec. 10

December Notebook Rubric                                                    Name

1.        Judaism: The Religion of the Jews   (5)      ___________
2.       Jews vs. Romans                                   (5)    ___________
3.       Rise of Christianity                                  (5)    ___________
4.       Pearl Harbor                                              (5)    ____________
5.       Christianity Grows                                (5)   ______________
6.       Fall of Rome                                           (5)   _____________
Total                                                                               _______________/30

Course Description in Flap                                 (3)    _______________
Flap                                                                         (1)   ________________
Six  Journal Entries, complete sentences, capitalized, punctuated including end punctuation
                                                                                  1 each = 6      _____/6

Total 40 points      Your Score _______________________________

Deduct points if no comp book                       Minus 10

Total Score                           ____________/40

Fall of Rome 2015-16
Study Guide
3 by 5 index card, hand-written by you, allowed on test.

1.        What is the relationship between Judaism, Christianity and Islam?
2.       The Old Testament predicted a Messiah. What was the Messiah?
3.       What religion was Jesus?  Why do we know so little about his life outside of accounts in the Bible?
4.       What is a covenant?
5.       What was the Jewish land called at the time of Jesus’s birth?  Who ruled it?
6.       What was the Old Covenant between God and the Jews?
7.       Why did many Jews not believe Jesus was the Messiah as he claimed? What were they expecting?
8.       How did Jesus convince some followers that he was the Messiah, according to the Bible?
9.       What was the New Covenant?  How was it different from the Old Covenant?
10.   Why did many Jews reject Jesus’s teachings?
11.   Who had the authority to try Jesus, the Jews or the Romans?  Why?
12.   With what crime was Jesus charged?  What was his sentence?
13.   According to believers, what happened to Jesus after his death?
14.   According to those who rejected Jesus, what happened after Jesus’s death?
15.   T/F  Originally, only Jews could become Christians.
16.   What is the importance of Paul to the spread of Christianity?
17.   What is the importance of Peter to the spread of Christianity?
18.   Where was the center of the early Christian Church and why?
19.   Why was the Roman Empire split in two?  What language was spoken in each? What was the capital of each?
20.   Give 5 reasons why many in the Roman Empire were attracted to Christianity.
21.   Pearl Harbor
a.       Date
b.      Location
c.       How attacked
d.      Why attacked
e.      Planes used
f.        Goals
g.       Americans killed
h.      Dead on Arizona
i.         Success or failure and why
22.   Give five causes for the fall of Rome.
23.   What is inflation?
24.   Who were the Huns?
25.   Who were the Germanic tribes?
26.   What is the Justinian Code and what is the importance of the Justinian Code?
27.   Give five major legacies we have gotten from Rome.
28.   What is Classical Civilization?
29.   Which part of the Roman Empire fell first?
30.   Who was emperor after Julius Caesar’s was murdered?


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